GPL Violations |
Copyright Issues Open Source & Derivative Works GPL Issues GPL Validity GPL Violations WordPress & the GPL Legal Cases ProCD v. Zeidenberg USL v. BSDi
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Licenses AGPL Apache Apple Artistic BSD CDDL CPL EPL GPL v2 GPL v3 IPL LGPL MIT Mozilla SPL X License X11 License Organizations ASF FSF OSI SFLC People Bruce Perens Eben Moglen Eric Raymond Lawrence Lessig Linus Torvalds Richard Stallman
Licenses Closed Source Freeware Shareware Organizations BSA
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GPL ViolationsThe GPL and LGPL places various, fairly liberal, conditions on redistributing the work, and on distributing derivative works. For example, if you redistribute a GPL licensed work, you must distribute to others under the GPL. Likewise if you create and distribute a derivative work of a GPL licensed work, you must it also under the GPL. The question arises, what happens when these conditions are violated? Before we start with address that, one first needs to consider why anybody would violate the GPL's conditions in the first place? Here are some reasons why this situation can arise:
So what happens when an organization doesn't comply with the GPL? Obviously it depends, but typically when their non-compliance is discovered there may be a howl of outrage on sites such as Slashdot, bad publicity for the infringer, and the possibility that copyright-holders in the GPL licensed software may pursue the infringement using the law.
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